使用十大菠菜台子 TMS系统控制您的运输成本和物流运作
物流战略和规划已经从码头转移到了会议室. 市场的不确定性和竞争迫使企业精简, quick to market 和 tech progressive. From the simple to the most complex supply chains, 今天的托运人需要完全透明的供应链和一个单一的地点来管理他们的物流业务.
End-to-End Transportation Management System
从强大的跟踪和追踪功能到实时货运分析, 十大菠菜台子 TMS系统为您的所有运输方式提供了一个“控制塔”视图.
Access Virtually Unlimited Capacity
With the 十大菠菜台子 shipper TMS, you gain immediate access to our network of 85,000+ highly qualified truckload carriers 和 75+ local, 区域, 和 national LTL carriers.
A Logistics Partner
for the Long HaulWhen you partner with us, 您将得到北美最大的运输管理和物流技术领导者之一的支持.
Flexible 和 Smart Logistics Management In One Place
十大菠菜台子物流TMS使托运人能够在一个易于使用的运输平台上最大限度地提高生产力并简化操作. 我们基于云的界面允许托运人在多种模式下对运营商进行评级和购物, optimize routing, create shipping documents, track 和 tender, 和 manage the shipment lifecycle from creation through delivery.
As your needs grow, the 十大菠菜台子 TMS grows with you, providing 电子商务 和 system integrations, freight claims management, advanced freight bill payment 和 audit, 与承运人关系管理服务协商和维护费率. From do-it-yourself to managed transportation solutions, 我们的经验和一流的TMS技术相结合,为您提供推动业务发展所需的竞争优势.
Our Transportation Management System Benefits
Quote 和 Load Tender Across All Modes
通过我们的TMS系统,托运人可以随时随地更轻松、更高效地对所有模式和地区的货物进行报价和投标. 保存预设并自动创建从多段交付到单段交付的发货.
Control Tower Planning & 可见性
组织, view 和 process recent shipments, schedule for pickup, 以及交货后的货物,将猜测工作从负载规划中剔除,从而提高生产率.
Best-In-Class Carrier Network
我们的运输管理软件允许您利用85个预先合格的网络,000 +运营商. 增加和管理新的运营商,仓库,集运商和其他供应商的合规性.
Real-time Tracking & 通知
Track all your loads from booking to invoice, in real-time. Integrate all forms of 3rd party tracking in one place.
Centralized Document Management
Save time 和 productivity to access freight quotes, 提单, 发票, 和 shipping labels all within the same TMS system.
入站 & Vendor Freight Management
Automated Freight Audit & 付款
Central Freight Claims Management
Custom Workflow Management
分析 & Business Intelligence
LTL Ecommerce Integration
Integrate 十大菠菜台子 freight 利率 with popular ecommerce shopping carts to provide a seamless online shopping experience for your customers.
Scalable Integration Solutions
Partner with 十大菠菜台子
Discover your competitive advantage with 十大菠菜台子 TMS for shippers
Gain 可见性
Our customizable transportation management system (TMS) provides visibility to all your shipments, 利率, reporting 和 business intelligence to inform decision making.
Increase Efficiency
Reduce Freight Costs
Access our network of 85,000 +运营商 to serve your needs for competitive pricing, quality service 和 supply chain efficiencies.
Hear What Our 十大菠菜台子 & Customers Are Saying About Us
环球运输公司是我的首选,任何时候都可以运输各种类型的货物. Not only does my Logistics Specialist respond quickly to requests, 但是,从货物离开码头的时间到货物送达的时间,都会进行更新. 十大菠菜台子是一个有价值的商业合作伙伴,使日常运营的物流方面变得容易.
Logistics Manager, Plastics Manufacturer
十大菠菜台子 is my go-to. They get the job done 和 always go above 和 beyond for me.
买家,食物 & 饮料 Manufacturer
I have been working with 十大菠菜台子 for about three years now. They save me time 和 money. 我选择了十大菠菜台子,因为他们给我展示了真正的省钱和他们的专业态度. 我有当地的代表,我知道我可以指望他们解决我遇到的任何问题. Their inside staff is a dedicated team, 和 they are quick to respond.
Head of Purchasing, Industrial Manufacturer
Recognized as a TMS 技术 Leader
我们的运输管理软件由业内最先进的物流技术平台之一提供支持. 十大菠菜台子为我们为客户提供的技术创新而感到自豪.